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2D Animation

  1. 3DA Billboards & Powerful Brand Identity

    Posted: March 26 2024

    WHAT IS 3DA? 3DA stands for 3-Dimension Anamorphosis. Okay, but what is that?!  In the visual arts, it’s a cool perspective trick where an image or video can be distorted on a 2D screen, BUT, when viewed from a select angle, it becomes neutralised, creating the illusion of three dimensional depth. You may have seen […]

  2. Elevating Brand Stories with Creative Video Production – The Workways Case Study

    Posted: November 23 2023

    Introduction: Crafting Compelling Brand Videos Telling brand stories uniquely and engagingly is crucial. Workways, facing this challenge, needed to harness video messaging’s power to boost their brand presence. As Melbourne’s leading video production and animation studio, 77 Productions took on the task of transforming their vision into a captivating brand video. The Challenge: Enhancing Brand […]